Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Outnumbered by Crooked Facts 10:37 pm
Another of those strange, strange days. Today I went to social services (again) to try and get some form of help so I could stay off the street. His best suggestion was commiting fraud, and he was even kind enough to get me started with it. Interesting.

Well, as it seems it is my only hope for reestablishing a life, I guess I will have to play along.

I managed to ruin my backpack earlier today. I'll have to get a new one. Or maybe not. If all goes well, I guess I won't have to be on the road constantly anymore. I can hardly imagine though. Right now, I can recognize my life from years back, but if it changes... Ifit changes it will be a completely new contest. I wonder if my odds will ever be in my favor.

(Original comment "worries" by dj_aguy 2004-05-25 10:07 pm)
I so wish I could help. If only I was there or you here. It pains me to think of you in such a state and I pray that things will turn around for you. Even if you think I shouldn't I do, I would gladly let you share my roof...though I would have to get some money for food :). *sighs* I guess all I can to is pray that your life head in the right direction. Take care dear and know that there are people that care.

(Original comment "Chin up. :)" by black_reynard 2004-05-26 04:38 am)
There sure are. And you know it. *hugs*

I doubt it's fraud. It's perhaps more that the kind fellow has (unsually) given you useful advice. But regardless, if it helps, then don't question it. We have a saying over here.. "never look a gift horse in the mouth." . ;) So go with it.

But that guy *looks up* has offered you a roof.. and I'll chip in some walls too, if it'll help. :)

Take care Amiga.


(Original comment "Re: Chin up." by contentiousjoy 2004-05-26 11:07 am)
Well hopefully, they will offer me something. For now, divinesorrow has kindly offered me shelter and more important, a manifestation of trust and care. That cannot be traded for anything material.


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