Friday, May 21, 2004

Last Night 12:26 am
Two forces so strong fight inside me, my soul spent as armament, my body a raged battlefield - a territory to be won and had. It's invisible to anyone oblivious to most. There are no fires, no craters and corpses to tell the story. In a lucky moment - or perhaps it is unlucky - maybe my face will show. Maybe a person walks by me, and reads my incredulous expression.

Is it possible? How would it feel to be them? Would it be like a sudden pang of compassion? Revulsion? And then what? Force themselves to indifference? Or would it come natural?

I never have the answers. Realistically though the answer is no. They won't and they can't. It's impossible. Either that or the world is a lot more cynical than even I would herald.
Current Mood: irritated

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