Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Anima Absentis 12:13 pm
I have been living here in a week now. I don't have a solution yet - if I ever will.

It's starting to feel my mind dull, not being able to do as I used to. I'm trying to read some books to make up for it, and that seems to be helping a bit. Currently I'm half-way through the medieval trilogy by Jan Guillou.

The most surprising part was when the point of view, in the second book; "The Temple Knight" changed from all-christian, to alternating between an islamic and christian point of view.

I'm not aware if it's been translated to english yet, but if it has, go grab a copy at your local library. It's definitely worth it.

As with any books - any good books at least - you take something from them when you're done reading them. Perhaps a quote, perhaps a feeling... I think these books have given me both now. Even though I am not a christian, I do take great joy in singing psalms, or something as trivial as biblical quotes. Anyone who believes there is no wisdom to be found in either the Bible or the Koran are lying to themselves.

I think it's a human prerequisite to believe in something. Even the most stubborn atheist must believe, or at least have the desire to believe in something divine. Personally, I believe in a potpourri of deities and faiths. I am certainly a person who should be struck down by several beliefs, just for mixing them in such a blasphemous way.

Deus vult Abesco

(Original comment "I agree" by dj_aguy)
hello again there, it's me SoL. I hope your doing well, from this entre I can tell somethings are a bit hard on you but at least your safe and comfortable. I feel for you and how you are feeling with you mind dulling, I experienced that much to much at my old job in Michigan. One thing I would like to say is I very much agree with you on the fact that you can learn a lot from religons. They can really give insights into many peoples points of view for many truly live by their beliefs. I mean that is a big factor in the war that we and the middle east is about, even more so now. I mayself do not have any religous believes but I hope that I can understand them...but the more I think about it I know that I don't. As for reading there are few things that could ever compare to reading a good book...another then a really good Anime :). Well stay well girl, don't do anything that would put you in a bad postion. Even if I have never met you face to face I still care. Bye for now.

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