Thursday, May 06, 2004

Blogging in the Grass 05:03 pm
I decided I like the smell of grass so much I'd stick my face down in it.

No really - it's rather nice. I like this lawn because it's not too well kept - wild flowers here and there. I decided against picking any of them since I can just as well admire them here without killing them..

It's been very long since I last lay and frolicked in the sun. I'm making up for quite a lot actually.

Nature is so forgiving..
Current Mood: peaceful

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Linking the original comments:

("Hiya Blogging Buddy" by black_reynard )

Just saying hello to the young lady that got me onto blogging for myself. :)

Erm.. ran out of inspiration.. and awakedness. *dozes*

See you later. ;)


("I hope I can help with words" by dj_aguy)

Hello there Aranel (yes I'm using that name for this) I've read some of your entres and I have to say that I see how much of a feeling person you are. It makes me smile to know that I can meet people like you even without ever meeting you face to face. I have to say I really like the two poems that I read. Both of them expressed to me that you really want to help people to see things that they may over look and help them to over come feeling like fear as was in your Fly poem. I can also see that you are truly a upbeat person. I can almost feel your beautiful out look but can also tell that there is an underline feeling beneath it, this maybe because I know that (I would guess at this time seens I just talked to you a IM) somethings has just happened to you that isn't very good but I would hope that I could see this even without knowing. Even if I am a guy that likes to be a bit normal in the male ego I still like to think that I have a good amount of empathy toward people that I like to call friends.
Well I guess that's all I can say right now, after reading your words I guess I don't have to say stay happy and cheery but I will anyway just because I care. I hope everything goes the best it can for you and know that I will say a pray for you.