Sunday, April 04, 2004

Stars 06:00 pm
"Cassiopeia, Leo, Libra..."

Walking under the night-sky, watching the stars.

"Don't be afraid of the dark - it's what keeps you..."

The occasional fox, scuttling home to her litter before daybreak, showing her glowing eyes to those who care enough to look.

"Ursa, Cetus, Andromeda... That's not a star, there, in Andromeda. That's a galaxy..."

The quiet in the night is important. Important enough to persuade you to keep your secrets. It's wrong to speak in the night, outside. Try it, and you will see...

"That's not an owl, that's a dove... They just sound alike"

Daybreak grants release. Only few are strong enough to watch us now...

But they die before noon...

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