Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Dead Sunrise 09:18 am
Looking at the horizon, I see the grey and misty earth, then a patch of light, then grey again.. Far away, an oversized chimney spews smoke into the air, forming some sort of strand; a connection between these two discs of concentrated melancholy.

I heard the birds sing earlier, when it was still dark. Before their anticipation of a bright golden dawn was quelled, they tweeted and chirped the same trusting tune as yesterday, and the day before. Convincing anyone but the most cold of pessimists that today, the sun will shine through. Then silence. Strangled in a wet cotton curtain that cannot be unveiled, we're all dulled and silenced.

Today, I would rather soar high in the sky - looking down at a veiled earth and marvel at the curly sea of gray - than be trapped beneath an ocean, choking, holding my breath.
Current Music: Sparta - Air

Monday, April 26, 2004

Not entirely satisfied 04:20 am
Like the canvas with an unfinished painting
Colors barely saturated, still waiting
And the pencilstroke hanging in the air
Invisible, but in the empty space like a prayer

Like abandoned architecture, left to the fall
Ominiously defined, like a great dead hall
And each brick and board seems to cry
Your minds eye; defy, deny, and I won't die

No music today.. I don't know why.
Current Mood: In denial

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Techno-babble strikes back 07:27 am
We had the most horrible weather yesterday. It was raining, hailing and thundering - all at the same time. Typical april weather I suppose, but I was still shocked at the sudden change.

I made the mistake of using my cell phone outside in the rain. Apparantly, it is not very drip-proof. I now have a useless piece of electronics worth... Way too much money.

Well, I got safely - if quite wet - into town for my theory lessons. It went fairly well. I had not forgotten as much as I had feared. First test I would have passed. As for the second. Well, practice makes perfect. Spent about one and a half hour doing that before turning homewards. At this point, my cell phone was really frustrating me. I wanted to get it on so I could receive txts and log on MSN, but no dice. Of course, I managed to turn it on right in the second I got to my door. The welcome message was... different. "Internal filesystem corrupted. It must be reformatted before use. OK?"

Current Mood: Beyond Tired
Current Music: Cranes - Shining Road

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Batteries 04:07 am
I'm looking at the mouse in my hand. It's a wireless mouse, and the battery is flat. It's blinking red, so there is no reason to doubt this statement. It will turn off soon, if I don't recharge it.

The mouse that does not have an indicator is worse off. Nobody will see that it is slowly worn down, and will eventually die. Hidden behind a passionless plastic visage, it's life will be spent pointlessly. It cannot cry out, or it's shell will break, and it would be disposed of as any other piece of broken equipment.

Each time, a funeral. And with just the passing of days will the undertaker be paid, the dead removed, and the tears forgotten.

Recycling. Will it make you feel better when I'm spent?
Current Music: Evanescence - My Immortal

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Derring Doe for my Desideratum 05:55 am
My world is a strange place
When things to be one
In my eyes, your gaze
Must split and be gone.

To find what I sought
In life and beyond
And though strong I fought
Just tears would respond

.... That's all I feel like writing today... The rest, I can just copy/paste.. It fits just as well regardless.

"My derring-do allows me to dance the rigadoon
Around you
But by the time I'm close to you, I lose
My desideratum and now you, so
Now you have it, so tell me baby, what's the word?
Am I your gal, or should I get out of town?
I just need to be reassured
Do you just deal it out, or can you deal with what I lay down?
Please forgive me, for my distance
The pain is evident in my existence
Please forgive me for my distance
The shame is manifest in my resistance"
Current Music: Fiona Apple - To Your Love

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Procrastinating delapidating affinity 06:15 am
"FRIENDSHIP, n. A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul."

There's nothing worse than getting in a fight with someone and not clearing it up. You can almost taste the sulphur on your tongue whenever you talk with the person. It makes me think whether or not it's even worth the bother to hang on to those persons. It's not even a real friendship anymore. It's an entirely platonic pseudo-friendship kept only and entirely for the sake of being polite.

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"

Indeed, and I would return to merrier subjects, but, from the headlines I conclude... Nothing amazing.
Current Mood: Tired
Current Music: Exploding Boy - Falldown

Friday, April 09, 2004

Intelligence and Wisdom 03:54 am
I was telling a person from the US about the monarchy in Denmark when I came to realize how much I actually appreciate them. All except prince Henrik, but I don't think anybody really likes him. "Have pity with me, I rule nothing, weep sob" - and that's pretty much it.

Anyway. It also made me think how much a technocracy would be good for Denmark. Specifically, I came to this conclusion when I compared the PR abilities of, say, the danish prime minister, or the american president - to those of Her Majesty Margrethe II. In fact, there is no comparison. I also believe, that if she ruled Denmark in a regular monarchy, the country would be much better off.

She is a lady that has true love and concern for her country. To rule, I am convinced that she would hire experts in each branch of governing to help her. That's basically a technocracy right there.

True knowledge lies in knowing, that you know nothing.
Current Mood: Philosphical
Current Music: Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Stars 06:00 pm
"Cassiopeia, Leo, Libra..."

Walking under the night-sky, watching the stars.

"Don't be afraid of the dark - it's what keeps you..."

The occasional fox, scuttling home to her litter before daybreak, showing her glowing eyes to those who care enough to look.

"Ursa, Cetus, Andromeda... That's not a star, there, in Andromeda. That's a galaxy..."

The quiet in the night is important. Important enough to persuade you to keep your secrets. It's wrong to speak in the night, outside. Try it, and you will see...

"That's not an owl, that's a dove... They just sound alike"

Daybreak grants release. Only few are strong enough to watch us now...

But they die before noon...