Monday, October 16, 2006

The Link Disease

I have done it again. I have a swirling vortex of chaos for my thought stream, and absolutely no ability to concentrate on one matter at a time:

V for Vendetta is really great. Natalie Portman is really grea -- oh, Hugo Weaving! Should have known the voice.. Natalie Portman, hmmmhmmm.. Christina Ricci often gets the parts that Natalie (I wonder, should I really write "Portman"?) turns down. Oh yeah, Christina (/Ricci) often works with Johnny Depp. Depp! Fantastic. Classic. Timeless. Pirates of the Caribbean.

An hour spent right there, and even if it might seem quite unrewarding as this link is nothing but the end of my journey for the night, I have to say I have made quite a number of considerations from it. For instance, one day I would like to be able to say, in casual conversation, something along the lines of: "How transporting! Ha Ha!" -- and not even be laughed at. I suppose this disease has made me quite vain about language, a hunger that my actual skill, is not quite able to sate.

"V for Vendetta"

It's an awesome film in the true meaning of the word. I have read countless reviews now that label V an anarchist, and the "V" logo which is shown in the film does bear quite a resemblance to the mythical "A-in-a-circle". Now, I have not read the actual graphic novel, however I do not feel, that this label does the character justice. V is, in my eyes, a revolutionary. There's an essential difference here, and if you don't know it, you should revisit the articles and letters of Proudhon ("Oh! I understand you; you speak satirically") for a few hours.

Forgive me for a bit my attempt at magnifying this - I would not be a lesser person with some Homeric exercise - but V is, in all ways, someone who we must remember and that some have forgotten. The Orwellian regime might seem far away to some, but look above your heads, read the papers, listen to your politicians. Fear is taking a hold on all of us and we are imposing restrictions on our lives that are inimical to freedom - forgive me again - Liberty.

I know this is perhaps the most dull thing to write about, but we must not be afraid. Because fear is that which will create the situation which is most terrifying of all. And fear itself is the only thing that deserves to be feared.

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